‘More than kin and less than kind’


This week over at the Broke and Bookish the Top Ten Tuesday is a freebie – which basically means you can come up with whatever idea you like.  My topic this week is fictional families.  From comedic to vampiric, brought up by animals or members of nobility who simply act like animals.  Fantasy families:

  1. The Cratchits from Charles Dickens Christmas Carol – a great family, poor in money, rich in love.
  2. The Weasley’s from J K Rowling’s Harry Potter – a great family – again, they haven’t got two pennies to rub together but they’re an excellent family and bring great entertainment value to the series.
  3. The Bennetts from Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice.  The beleaguered Mr Bennett with his five daughters.  Not to mention his rather loud wife.  I was always puzzled how the two of them ever would have got together. (Ahem, not really fantasy, but….)
  4. The Scotts from M L Brennan’s Generation V series.  This is a very unusual family – they’re all vampires.  The head of the family is the now aged Madeline, the family matriarch who doesn’t suffer fools.  The children, Fort – who is only just really starting to feel his true vampire self. His sister Prudence.  A total maniac who terrifies all the other supernatural critters in the series and their elder brother Chivalry.
  5. The Lannisters from GRRMartin’s Game of Thrones series – could you have a more odd family!  They really don’t need any introduction do they?
  6. The Cassels – a family of curse workers, each with different abilities, highly illegal of course, which gets them into a lot of trouble.  Holly Black’s curse worker series.
  7. Merricat, her sister and uncle – the remaining Blackwood’s from Shirley Jackson’s We Have Always Lived in the Castle.  These three are the only surviving members of an arsenic attack.  I won’t elaborate as it would ruin the plot.  All I will say is that Merricat is a very strange creature in deed.
  8. Coraline’s ‘other’ family in the book of the same name by Neil Gaiman.  Very good example of being careful what you wish for.
  9. Mowgli from Rudyard Kipling’s Jungle Book.  Brought up by wolves and with a bear and a panther as mentors.  A very unusual family indeed.
  10. The Adam’s family – I had to have them.  Wednesday and Pugsley, Cousin It, Uncle Fester – one of the strangest and darkest families ever – but I would have loved to pay them a visit for some strange reason.

22 Responses to “‘More than kin and less than kind’”

  1. rosemawrites

    Great list. These families sound awesome and interesting as well.

    By the way, you may want to read the Ten Books I am Dying To Read:
    http://wp.me/p4ZhSl-dZ. 🙂

  2. curiousdaisies

    The Weasleys are like my favorite fantasy family ever. Good job on your list! Happy reading!


    • lynnsbooks

      Thanks. The Weasleys are a great family – I guess really I should have had the Potters on there too.
      Lynn 😀

  3. Tammy

    What a fun idea for a topic! I love all your examples. And such a wide variety. I would never have thought of The Jungle Book!

    • lynnsbooks

      Thanks – I always struggle with freebie topics tbh so when this popped into my head I just thought ‘what the hell, go for it’.
      Lynn 😀

  4. elyjayne

    I loved the Weasley’s—I mean, who wouldn’t? I’ve read a few of the others ones you mentioned but they were all a few years back and I don’t remember all the families!

    My list

    • lynnsbooks

      The Weasley’s are a great family, I said in one of the comments below that I suppose I should really have had the Potters as well!
      Lynn 😀

  5. jessicabookworm

    Great list 🙂 If I was making list of fictional families I would seriously consider putting the Weasleys, the Cratchits and Bennetts on it too.

  6. Carmen

    I love your topic this week. The Weasleys and the Lannisters are masterful touches. Coraline’s alternative family gave me the creeps, though I know it through the movie. Is it OK for an adult to get scared of something she saw in a PG movie?

  7. DJ (@MyLifeMyBooksMyEscape)

    Soon as I saw The Adam’s Family I automatically starting singing the song and snapping my fingers XD

  8. Carrie

    love the Weasleys and the Bennetts! My TTT

  9. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    From the ones I’m familiar with up on that list, it seems you favor the more dysfunctional families, (the Scotts, the Lannisters) just the way I like it too 😀

    • lynnsbooks

      Dysfunctional families are so much more interesting to read about!
      Lynn 😀

  10. maddalena@spaceandsorcery

    LOL on the Addams! It was the perfect choice to make me forget the shiver of apprehension created by the juxtaposition of Scotts and Lannisters… brrr… 😀

    • lynnsbooks

      haha – never thought about that! brrrr indeed.
      Lynn 😀

  11. Danya @ Fine Print

    I love your take on this week! Honestly, this topic is better than a lot of the official TTT topics, haha. The Weasleys are a fantastic choice and the Bennets are awesome, too! I would add the Baylor family from Burn For Me by Ilona Andrews – Nevada, her mom, grandma Frida, her sisters, and her cousins are such a great group of characters!

    • lynnsbooks

      OMG – Burn for Me – I should have had the Baylors! When is No.2 out – I need that book.
      Lynn 😀

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