‘If you go down to the woods today…..

you’d better to in disguise….’

Art it Up.  This is a meme hosted by Tabitha over at Not Yet Read.  The idea being to see if you can come up with some inspiration for a little sketch or doodle from your last week’s reading or just anything else in general. My recent reading includes The Rebirth of Tao by Wesley Chu and the Sleeper and the Spindle by Neil Gaiman.  Over at the Fantasy Review Barn today’s topic is fauna in fantasy – with this and the fairytale I’ve tried to go for a creepy forest – could have done with a bit more shading but….


14 Responses to “‘If you go down to the woods today…..”

  1. Tammy

    Nice! I love that, and perfect timing, what with unique fauna today:-D

    • lynnsbooks

      Yeah, sometimes it’s easier to use the topic from Tough Travelling than my reading! I mean, I’ve been reading all the Wesley Chu books and I just drew a blank on what to draw from there.
      Lynn 😀

  2. DJ (@MyLifeMyBooksMyEscape)

    I like how complicated all the branches look, intertwining with each other. I think the shading is great! I wouldn’t be walking down that path, that’s for sure.

    • lynnsbooks

      I’m always in too much of a rush. It’s funny but when I see the picture on the post I usually want to go and start filling bits and pieces in. Too late 😀
      Lynn 😀

  3. A Well Read Woman

    Love it : )

  4. Tabitha (Not Yet Read)

    I need to get Sleeper and the Spindle…did you love it? I just read Uprooted, you are going to live it. It has a creepy Wood as well!

    • lynnsbooks

      Ohh, cool, to Uprooted that is. The Sleeper, well, it’s a good little story contained in a beautiful package but it just, for me, didn’t have Gaiman’s sparkle. I usually find that when I read his books I just sink into the story, like everything else falls away. It gets good reviews so I’m sure it’s just me really but you can’t help the way you feel I suppose.
      Lynn 😀

  5. maddalena@spaceandsorcery

    It’s both beautiful AND scary: I like how the darkness deepens as the path goes further inside the forest. There is a hint of danger there, and of things that go bump in the night… Well done!

    • lynnsbooks

      Aw, thanks, they’re only my scribbles, and I’m always very impatient to finish – almost as soon as I get started really. Then I see the picture and wish I’d taken a bit more time and effort – well, it’s just a hobby isn’t it!
      Lynn 😀

  6. Ria


    Maybe I should use some of my at-home time to practice drawing again. I haven’t done so for years, but now that I’m not working outside the home, maybe it’s a good opportunity for me to get back into it.

    • lynnsbooks

      You should – you really should, I only do this for a bit of fun but I actually quite enjoy having a go. Definitely get into it.
      Lynn 😀

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