The best laid plans…of the average bibliophile


This week over at the Broke and Bookish the theme for Top Ten Tuesday is:

‘Top Ten Goals/Resolutions For 2015 — bookish, blogging or otherwise!’

This year I’ve come up with 10 resolutions that will be easy – because why make it difficult to succeed (I realise that’s not the point but why do we have to make everything a struggle?)  So:

  1. To collect so many books they they’re stacked in piles all over the house
  2. To ignore people and refuse to be sociable when I’m reading a good book
  3. To have library books, that become absorbed within my own book collections therefore forgetting to be read and running up large ‘late’ fines
  4. To let my kindle battery run down so low that at that crucial moment, the last 10 pages in the book, it just blanks out – because that’s always a giggle
  5. To have no organisation whatsoever in my book reading schedule and just to make it up as I go along – because it’s all about the fun
  6. To read 3 books at a time until one becomes the favourite and muscles the others out of the nest
  7. To let my ‘one click’ finger run amok!
  8. To totally over indulge – in books, and maybe the odd glass of wine – because that sounds civilised doesn’t it?
  9. To do that thing where you wander round a huge bookstore – even though you might not have anything in particular that you want to buy at that particular moment just because – soaking up the atmosphere, looking dreamily at the books – and, well, I suppose you might make the odd purchase or come up with a few additions to the tbr!
  10. To be the easiest person to buy gifts for EVER – because, book tokens!

In other words to pretty much carry on regardless and just enjoy myself!

Finally, this isn’t a resolution but a hope:

To have a good year and to wish the same for all of you!

24 Responses to “The best laid plans…of the average bibliophile”

  1. nikki @ book punks

    Heehee. I love the list. The harsh realism of it made me chuckle. And why not just resolved to keep doing all the things you’re going to do anyway. So I resolved to buy more books than I can possible read and to break my to-read shelves with the weight of too much stacked paper. 🙂

    Curious, why and how is it snowing on your website?

    • lynnsbooks

      Exactly – I thought, I’ll resolve to carry on carrying on! I can’t go wrong that way. Hee hee.
      The snow – don’t know why or how – the lovely hubby put it on there. I’m sure it must be in the settings somewhere. Can ask him if you’re interested.
      Lynn 😀

  2. Tammy

    Ha ha! This is an awesome top ten goals list. In other words, don’t take reading and blogging too seriously. I wish you a fantastic 2015!

    • lynnsbooks

      Exactly – you can’t fail if you resolve to carry on as you are! (I hope!)
      ynn 😀

  3. Joey @ thoughts and afterthoughts

    I’m pretty sure I’ve always made resolutions because it’s what cool kids did…and I’m sure I’ve failed every year in the past (maybe I’m/we’re all secretly masochists in enjoying failure?). But yes: realism is the key to beating these things!

    Awesome resolutions–and you’re a beast for reading so many books in a year (let alone your goal for next year)! Through all of the risk-taking in whatever you may do, just remember to have fun and stay you.

    joey via. thoughts and afterthoughts

  4. Michael

    I think all of these are well within your grasp for the new year! Hope you have a great 2015!

  5. jessicabookworm

    Thank you I hope you have a good year too 🙂

  6. joyweesemoll

    LOL! This was refreshing to read. Happy New Year!

  7. TheSkepticalReader

    Absolutely love this list. 😉

  8. Nathan

    Love it. Especially that dying kindle.

    • lynnsbooks

      That is so annoying – particularly when I’m travelling to work and don’t have anything else with me – I always used to carry a back up book but I’ve kind of got used to carrying the kindle around so don’t always have a back up now.
      Lynn 😀

  9. Tabitha (Not Yet Read)

    I love your resolutions errr goals. I’ve done that with my kindle and had to switch to either my ipad or phone. Reading on an ipad is not fun…..hurts the eyes. I once kept a library book when I moved out of state for several years lol

    • lynnsbooks

      I know, I’ve had to pay fines sometimes that have probably been enough to buy the actual book!
      Lynn 😀

  10. Mogsy

    Haha, love this. I think they’re more like vices than resolutions – and especially when I’m doing a lot of these now. Number 2 is funny, because with me it was getting so engrossed in a Sanderson novel (I think it was Steelheart) that I forgot to make dinner for my poor hungry family.

    • lynnsbooks

      I’ve done that too. And, actually, just a small confession – I didn’t forget to make dinner – I just didn’t do it because I had to read the end of the book – I’m a nightmare when I get to the last 10% of a novel!
      Lynn 😀

  11. thenovellife1

    Now those are 10 resolutions I KNOW I can keep as well! Thank you for making it easy for us 😉
    Happy New Year Lynn!

    • lynnsbooks

      I’m all about the *simples*! Why make it too difficult. I have a few things I really do want to get on with this year so everything else is being kept low profile. No point in making things too difficult.
      Happy 2015 to you and yours.
      Lynn 😀

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