Tough travelling

Every Thursday The Fantasy Review Barn takes us travelling through the tropes of fantasy.  This week’s guide to Tough Travel sees us looking at Invisible Colleges.  Here goes:

Thief’s Magic by Trudi Canavan.  Tyen studies at the Academy which is situated in the Capital of Leratia.  At the Academy a strange mix of magic and archaeology seem to go hand in glove.  Tyen seems a fairly gifted student who becomes the focus of attention when he uncovers a sentient book on a dig in a remote part of the world.  The book quickly becomes an object of desire putting Tyen at risk – even from his own professors.  One of two story lines that start off the first book in the Millennium’s Rule Trilogy.

The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss.  Really needs no introduction but….  The story begins with Kvothe, an innkeeper, telling his story to a Chronicler where we eventually learn of his time as a student at the nation’s University – a very old and mysterious place where students can be taught anything from sympathy to alchemy.  The University is built on top of an ancient city which is now a labyrinth of underground tunnels where Kvothe finds a secret entrance to the Archives – (which is very handy – as the archives were his main motivation for joining the University in the first place and yet in a cruel twist he finds himself banned from the place!)

Agatha H and the Airship City by Phil and Kaja Foglio  –  Agatha Heterodyne is the long lost daughter of a hero.  The story is an alternate history based in a European ‘type’ setting.  At the start of the story Agatha attends the Transylvania Polygnostic University – a struggling student who seems to make a lot of mistakes.  The university seems to be run by madcap scientists. I’m not quite sure how magical or not some of the inventions are (and to be honest the University doesn’t play a major part) – but it seemed to fit!  Described as Gaslamp Fantasy by the author – I enjoyed this – it’s good fun.

Totally-obvious-but-how-could-it-not-make-the-list – Harry Potter.  Based at Hogwarts school of Magic which is reached by train from platform 9.5. To give this a slightly different twist I thought I’d look at the hidden classroom – the Room of Requirement where HP teaches magical defence to Dumbledore’s Army in preparation for the return of ‘you know who’.  A sort of a school within a school – okay, maybe the Room of Requirement is a bit of a stretch!

The Study books by Maria Snyder.  In Poison Study Yelena is an orphan who finds herself in prison and due to execution – rather than be executed she becomesa food taster.  Anyway, long story short Yelena has magical abilities and in the second book she attends an Academy to learn how to fosucs them!  Poison Study, Magic Study and Fire Study – don’t really need any explanations do they!

I know there must be loads of fantasy schools/colleges and Universities out there – so feel free to chuck in your suggestions!!  I struggled with the magical aspect.

10 Responses to “Tough travelling”

  1. Nathan

    I didn’t think about Agatha H, that was a nice pull as well. I should get back to reading the comic itself, at one time I was almost caught up.

    • lynnsbooks

      You sort of move on though and find the ‘next’ thing. I haven’t picked any more of the Foglio’s up since but I really should.
      Lynn 😀

  2. Mogsy

    I completely forgot about the labyrinthine tunnels under the University for Rothfuss’s series! In a way, that makes it fit the theme, as the archives are so hard to get to, and there’s nothing more that Kvothe wants from that place. Nice choices 🙂

    • lynnsbooks

      The Name of the Wind was such an obvious one – I nearly burst a blood vessel trying to think of something a bit more obscure! I knew about the Pratchett one but I haven’t read it so didn’t include it. I was trying to remember if Dresden went to a college or Uni but I think his training was more mentored?? I must read the Black Prism though – that would have been a good example. Again, got the book but put it aside! Damn.
      Lynn 😀

  3. Tabitha (Not Yet Read)

    Wow you found 5 books you did great. I feel like I could totally use some more magical schools in my life. I need to get around to reading Rothfuss. But I just want completion and his are put out / releases to infrequently.

    • lynnsbooks

      I know – I wish I’d started reading Rothfuss after all his books were out! This wait is – impossible!! So good though. I don’t think there’s even a release date any where in sight…
      I liked the sound of School for Good and Evil and the cover is lovely! I’m a bit of a book cover tart.
      Lynn 😀

  4. Maija Reads

    Hogwarts is a given on this list! I like that you noticed that in addition to Hogwarts being hidden from Muggles, it even has secret rooms like the Room of Requirement (or even the Chamber of Secrets) inside it!

    I only read Poison Study from the Study series, so I didn’t get to the school part. It was okay, but I don’t feel any strong need to read the rest of the series. 🙂

    • lynnsbooks

      Yeah, I think putting them on the list smacked of desperation. They were okay, but, the usual format. Orphan girl. Finds out she has unknown abilities, turns out her abilities are the most unique EVER and, guess what – she has to save the world. Well, thank god she didn’t get executed whilst in prison then otherwise that would have rather doomed everyone! That sounded very cynical!! It was okay and it had the word Study in the title and an Academy in the content of No.2! That’s my excuse and i’m sticking to it. LOL.
      Lynn 😀

  5. Lisa (@TenaciousReader)

    I’m reading Thief’s Magic right now! I also have Agatha H… I’ve had it for a couple years but somehow have yet to read it. And yes! The tunnels to the Archives! 🙂 Great choices!

    • lynnsbooks

      I loved Agatha H – I’m not sure why I’ve not moved onto No.2 yet! Probably lack of time or something..
      Lynn 😀

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